Monday, December 29, 2008

Thing #18: PBwikis

Thing #18 is done! It was one of the easiest to do so far. I checked out the wiki, read comments posted by other people, then added a few of my favorite things. It wasn't hard or time consuming, so I guess it was one of my favorite "things"!

Thing #17: Wikis

Wikis are an interesting concept and it seems like everyone is using them these days. I think they're okay as long as users remember that not everything presented is 100% factual. That's why I think they work best with information that is already based on thoughts and opinions. The Book Lovers Wiki was my favorite. It was fun to read other people's interpretations of the books they have read and it was a great source for recommendations.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thing #16: Library 2.0

I read two of the articles all the way through and skimmed the rest. Some of them were a bit difficult to digest. I consider myself fairly new to the library profession, so a lot of these issues have never really occurred to me. It's obvious to everyone that the world of information is constantly changing, so libraries have to change too. However, there will always be goals and services that need to remain the same, and we shouldn't lose sight of these just because we get excited about certain new technologies that are available to us. Change is only good when done for the right reasons and with a certain amount of caution. Small libraries like ours need to be careful about change just for the sake of change.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Thing #15

Once again I have discovered something that seems very interesting, but really wouldn't be very helpful to me at this point. I can see that someone who uses powerpoint a lot might have a lot of use for this, but I am not that someone. I haven't created a powerpoint presentation in years, and I don't see me creating one anytime in the near future. However, I did enjoy learning about slideshare and actually created an account just for fun. Some of the slideshows are very interesting and it seems like you can find one for just about anything you might be looking for.

My slideshare account is , but I wouldn't recommend going there because there's not much to see.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thing #14

Although I can't really see myself using Delicious at this point, I did think that it was interesting and could be very useful. The example given in the video about teachers using it caught my attention. As a former teacher, I think that this would be very useful for educational purposes, especially if you taught in a larger school and were part of a department (when I was teaching, I was the only one in my "department" and would have had no one to share links with). I also enjoyed seeing how the Holdrege Public Library is using Delicious on their website. A very interesting idea that we should probably copy. Because I don't have a computer at home and I don't visit very many websites on a regular basis, I don't think Delicious is for me, but I enjoyed learning about it and knowing it is there for future reference.