Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thing #23

It has been an interesting journey. Sometimes interesting and educational, sometimes very frustrating! At the beginning, I was very frustrated. I felt like some of the instructions weren't very clear and I had some difficulty finding the purpose in some of these types of technology. There are still a few that I will never use and could not be convinced of their necessity (TWITTER!!) In other cases, there were some things that I could use on a personal level or if I had a different type of job, but couldn't find a use for them in my current position. I feel okay admitting this because after discussion with my co-workers I know that a lot of them feel the same way. I think the best part of this exercise was simply learning about things that are out there so that I don't feel like a complete moron if someone asks me about it. Perhaps I won't be able to remember everything that I learned or how to use all of these different types of available technology, but at the very least I know they exist. Would I take this journey again if given the choice? That's a hard question to answer. Part of me says "yes" because it's good for me to learn new things. Another part says "no" because this was just one more stressor added to my life. I guess it's a good thing I wasn't actually given a choice at the beginning. Sometimes being forced to do something is good for me.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I think among any group of people you will have differences of opinion on which technologies you like, see value in, etc. Even Allana, Christa, Michael and I have varying levels of enthusiasm for the different things. I know there are things I like that one or more of them don't particularly care for, and vice versa!

We are glad you came along from the journey!