Friday, November 14, 2008

Thing #13

My only question is . . . who in the world has time for this? I cannot imagine sitting down to the computer or holding my phone and typing in every little thought or movement that I make. I was reading some of the stuff people post about themselves and I just can't believe it. Who in their right mind cares if I'm running late for work or what I'm listening to on the radio right now? I like to keep in touch with my friends who don't live close by, but I don't need to know every little thing that they do every second of the day. If they want to tell me something about themselves, they send an email or they call. It seems like these days people have a real obsession of recording and sharing every thought that crosses their minds. Do they have a practical or legitimate reason for using this technology or is it just for fun? I don't mean to be overly negative or have a bad attitude, but this one is especially hard for me to understand.


Dawn said...

Yes time is an extreme factor for many of us. I agree the only people that I know whom were in my contact list on my email were COLLEGE STUDENTS! HEe Heee (I hope your MOMs don't read some of those.)
Time and loosing track of time were my big draw backs too. I totally blew Saturday morning and did not realize it.

Mary said...

Sarah, here we are, doing what we are supposed to do. What else can be said? I tend to agree with you. MB